Writing a plugin

LetThereBe is designed to be extensible and customisable so that it can be **tailored to other services or programming languages, and users can write **plugins. Any code below can be either added to a config.py file in the directory from where you are running the lettherebe command, or you can add them to the main package via There are three main components that can be extended:

Repository hosting providers

At the moment we have provided support for GitHub, but other services such as BitBucket or GitLab could be added. To do this, you need to define a function that sets up a repo on the given service. The basic structure of the code to do this is:

from lettherebe.registry import repository_host, Repository

class MyRepository(Repository):

    def add_directory_to_repo(local_path, remote_path, message):
        # Code here that knows how to put the directory at local_path into
        # the repository, in a sub-directory given by remote_path. The
        # message argument gives the commit message.

    def instructions_to_get_repo(self):
        # This should return a string with instructions on how to access
        # the repository and how to clone.

def set_up_repo(argument1, argument2=False):
    Set up an empty repository on a repository host

    argument1 : str
        What is the value of argument1?
    argument2 : bool, optional
        What about the value of argument2?
    # create repo here then return class to provide abstract interface
    return MyRepository(...)

The questions for the command-line and website are taken from the docstring, which should be in NumpyDoc format. Default values can be specified by using keyword arguments. It is important that this function returns a Repository subclass, but otherwise you can do anything you like in the function. All the rest will be taken care of by the lettherebe package!

Package templates for different languages

To add support for a ‘best practice template’ for a new language, you will need to define a function as follows:

from lettherebe.registry import package_language

def set_up_fortran66_package(tests=True):
    Set up a basic Python package

    tests : bool, optional
        Should tests be included?
    directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    # populate directory here
    return directory

The use of tests as the argument is just an example, and you can put any number of arguments/options. The function should write the generated files to a local temporary directory and return the path to this directory. The rest of the package will then automatically sync those generated files to the remote repository.